Food Bank
Located at The Inn at 115 John Street in Sarnia, this program feeds over 2,200 people on average (940 of them children) each month – 75,000 pounds of food.

Soup Kitchen
Located at The Inn at 115 John Street in Sarnia; we serve an average of 95-100 meals a day.

Rent & Utility
Located at The Inn at 115 John Street in Sarnia this program assisted over 200 people last year .

Accessed through the Food Bank, this Clothing Voucher Program assists on average 250 clients a month.

Located at 442 & 444 Kathleen Avenue in Sarnia this shelter houses up to 12 youth every month.

Located at 950 Confederation Street in Sarnia this shelter along with our overflow program houses, on average, 40 people a night.

The Inn hosts a children’s Christmas party each year, roughly 300 children attend. Each child leaves the party receiving a photo with Santa, a book, a stocking, a stuffed animal, a gift, as well as treats!

Birthday Club
Every child deserves to feel special on their birthday! Last year we saw over 200 smiles!

Red Path
Located at The Inn at 115 John Street in Sarnia, The Red Path model blends clinical and cultural approaches addressing emotional and social health, offering techniques to cultivate a healthy mind, body and spirit.